Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Infection-free Third Thursday

Shiroi Hana
222 S. 15th Street

There's a Cosi across the street, in case we feel the need to cleanse our healthy sushi-laden souls with smores and hot chocolate afterwards.

So far, I've heard (not read, ahem) that Judith, Susan, Kate, and I are going.  

See you there, 6:30pm sharp-(ish).


Monday, January 12, 2009

Dinner, Take 2

Anyone up for dinner this Thursday, the actual third Thursday of January?

Several people have mentioned sushi, but I need your help suggesting places in Center City.  As before, I'll post the date and time when we all decide, likely on Wednesday night.

Since Thursdays might not always work for everyone, every now and then we'll also host 'Wine-y Wednesday'...a night for after-work drinks and appetizers.  

What's next? Tappas Tuesdays? First Fridays? Sundae Mondays? 

Judith and I are definitely 'in' for Thursday. Are you? 


Friday, January 9, 2009

Off to a delicious start!

We were dropping like flies.
I was ill. Binita's youngest daughter. Kate's daughter. All riding the Germ Train to Mucous Town.

In the spirit of Third Thursday, the show went on, and I couldn't be more proud!

Evelyn, her husband 'Boots', their friend (who I shall name 'Larry', as I didn't have the pleasure of meeting him), Judith, Susan, and Kathy tried out one of Philly's newest restaurants, 'Pub and Kitchen'.  Word is the place was both fun and delicious. I'd love to see your reviews in the comments.  Susan was not fond of the 'fancy mushy peas'. But, that's the British for you, Suze. Right, Binita?

See post tomorrow where I'll be shopping for ideas for the next Third Thursday.  There's also been the suggestion of an additional option, 'Wine-y Wednesdays'. Hold on to your forks, details coming soon...


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Noro no more-o!

That's it. I'm *done* with caring for the ill. From now on, I will only see the well.

'I'm sure if I was going to get it, I would've gotten it by now. ' 
Ha, ha, immune system. You are a funny beast.

Back to work today. Unless Pub and Kitchen serves a clears-only menu, I don't think I will be attending. But, the beauty that is Third Thursday is that the show / dinner must go on! Susan, I hope you brought your camera, so I can see and post the antics from tonight.

For the sake of blog rules, I'll post a meeting time of 6:30 at 19th and Lombard.

Happy dining, friends!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Announcing the first dinner!

Third Thursday has come a little early this month.  In honor of our friends Binita and Judith, we're celebrating their December birthdays this Thursday, January 8th

Leave suggestions for restaurants in the comments. I'll post the final location based on everyone's responses no later than this Thursday morning. 


Welcome to Third Thursday

Hi, there, fellow Third Thursday fans! 

Once upon a time, in a magical land called West Philly, a group of friends dining on expensive truffle pizza in a place decorated in the color of pink Barbie vomit came up with a fantastic idea.   

It was so much trouble to arrange dinner dates with such a large, varied group with crazy work schedules.  It was rumored that the only reason why Noelle got engaged was to have an excuse to celebrate in our fine city with friends, since she could guilt them into making time to dine. 

On that day, Third Thursday was born. A day (well, evening) we could set on our calendars for every month.  A list of restaurants and places would be pre-determined on this blog.  Friends (and their friends, and their friends...) could check in for the location of the next dinner, check out pics from our last culinary adventure, and suggest future venues.  No RSVP-ing required, although it might be nice to comment under the posting of the future restaurant site so others may peek at who's attending.  There may be nights when 16 people show.  There may be nights when two people show.  But, there will be delicious food always. Oh, there will be food...

So, go forth and spread the word! Share this site with your friends.
